Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Glimpse on the Clean Air Act

Air Pollution

It was on the year 1990 that the Clean Air Act was revised. Since the United States Environmental Protection Agency provided information for each citizen to be aware on the things that are happening in the environment, air pollution has decreased. This act has provided significant improvements in human health and the environment as a whole. The moment this act has been released on the year 1970, the six commonly found air pollutants were decreased to more than 50%. In addition, without the act, air toxic released from large industries such as chemical plants, paper mills, and petroleum industries have been reduced to nearly 70%. The country has been slowly improving its environment keeping its people in good health condition. This blog is all about keeping the environment safe and how industries release clean air.

Roles and Responsibilities

Each state and local government is working together in order to meet the Act’s requirements. The Clean Air Act has a simple role. This act covers the entire country to have its air pollution reduced. Agencies work hand in hand with companies to review and approve permit applications for small and large industries or chemical processes. There are several companies that offer clean air analysis and other services and equipment for reduction of air pollution. These companies follow the EPA standards in order for industries to be away from trouble by releasing polluted gas to the environment.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets its standards and limits on the air pollutants. They ensure that the country will be able to obtain a clean air anywhere environment. Thereby, Americans will have better health condition and living. The Act also covers in giving authorization on chemical plants, steel mills, and utilities to emit limited air pollutants to the environment. As each individual state plans to create a law with regard to reduction of air pollution, this has to pass through EPA. Whenever these laws and plans do not meet the EPA standards, the agency can enforce the Clean Air Act in that certain state or area.

Air Pollution Solution Individual facilities and industries are meeting the Act’s clean-up requirements. They need to ensure that gas released from their facilities has to be safe and does not cause harm to humans and the environment as a whole. We will discuss in the future posts on how industries use and analyze clean air emitted from their facilities. Some companies provide good laboratory facilities. They have enough methods and equipment to analyze on the quality of air released safe for the environment. No industry would take advantage on an inefficient service. This is what industries and other chemical plants look into, a cost effective analysis. Else, they can rent or order equipment to analyze and monitor on the air released.

On the other hand, EPA’s biggest role is monitoring the air quality. This is the best way to tell that the country has a cleaner and pure air environment. Monitor reports the amount of the pollutants present in the air. Thereby, it would be easier to take action whenever it would be unsafe and dangerous for the humans and other living organisms.


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